What It Really Takes To Be A Successful Entrepreneur – Podcast with Rob Dube

In his interview with Rob Dube on the donothing podcast, Gino Wickman shares the story of his entrepreneurial journey. Hear about the struggles and victories that now drive his passion to help entrepreneurs-in-the-making understand their genetic makeup. Through Entrepreneurial Leap, Gino provides a road map to help entrepreneurs avoid common pitfalls in their journey and live out their purpose.

In this episode of the donothing podcast, you’ll learn:

  • Why Gino decided to skip college

  • How foregoing college altered Gino’s future

  • What Gino had to accomplish before his father let him join the family business

  • How Gino turned his family’s struggling company around

  • Why mentorship was an integral part of Gino’s business success

  • How Gino became a millionaire by age 31—then lost it all by age 32

  • Why Gino always takes notes on a yellow legal pad

  • Which authors significantly influenced Gino’s life

  • How Gino developed EOS and why he knew it’d work

  • Which six components make up the EOS model

  • What other strategies and tools are integral to EOS

  • Why EOS’ holistic approach makes all the difference

  • What made Gino decide to sell his ownership of EOS

  • Whether Gino thinks everyone should be an entrepreneur

  • What the significance of Confirm, Glimpse and Path is

  • Why Gino feels devoted to up-and-coming entrepreneurs

  • What Gino hopes to achieve with his upcoming book, Entrepreneurial Leap

  • How Entrepreneurial Leap can help new entrepreneurs avoid common business mistakes

  • What traits all entrepreneurs should possess to be successful

  • Why passion should always be what drives aspiring entrepreneurs

Gino's Recommended Reading

Thank You, Rob!

We’d like to thank Rob Dube for inviting Gino to share about his new book Entrepreneurial Leap, and his passion for helping entrepreneurs-in-the-making on the donothing podcast.

Be sure to share Gino’s interview using the social media buttons below and follow the donothing podcast.

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