Gino Discusses Leap on Podcast Interview with ILoveMarketing

In his interview with Joe Polish and Dean Jackson from ILoveMarketing, you’ll hear Gino Wickman as he discusses his new book, Entrepreneurial Leap, and you’ll learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Discover how to transform your life through entrepreneurship with more freedom, less stress, and a business that is right for you.

“My wish for every entrepreneur is that they take control of their life and business right out of the chute.”

Gino Wickman Tweet

In This Episode

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from Gino, Dean and Joe in this episode: 

  • Why (and How) Gino created EOS Worldwide (PLUS: How EOS can help you get control of your business and build and grow an even better business)

  • Gino discovered TRUE ENTREPRENEURS have 6 essential traits. They are the key to building a great business. Listen to the podcast to learn what they are.

  • The difficulties and struggles entrepreneurs face when growing a company and how you can experience more freedom and less stress growing your company

  • Entrepreneurial Leap: How to know if you’re an entrepreneur, how to transform your life through entrepreneurship and a proven path to entrepreneurial success

  • Who the book ‘Entrepreneurial Leap’ is for, how Gino thinks about “work”, and how you can best prepare to be an entrepreneur and create the RIGHT business

We’d like to thank Joe Polish and Dean Jackson for inviting Gino to share his passion for helping entrepreneurs determine the clearest path to their fullest potential.

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