Either You Are Or Are Not An Entrepreneur-In-The-Making
The beauty of entrepreneurship is that there is no entitlement, tenure, or seniority—no pension or guarantees. It is the great equalizer, perfect and pure. Doing well doesn’t depend on your past, present, or future. It only depends on the value you are bringing to the world right now. If you bring no value, you get nothing. If you bring incredible value, you reap the rewards.
If you have the six essential entrepreneurial traits, Entrepreneurial Leap was written for you.
To give you a sneak peek, here are the 6 essential traits as outlined in the book:
Problem Solver
Risk Taker
Responsible (Blame no one)
Unfortunately, these six traits can’t be taught. You are either born with them or you’re not. This book isn’t going to teach you how to develop these traits, because they can’t be developed. If you do possess these essential traits, this book will, first, help you confirm that you are an entrepreneur-in-the-making, and then show you how to harness and maximize your inborn abilities.
I should point out that while these traits can’t be taught, they can be discovered. Someone may have given you this book because they see something in you that you don’t quite see in yourself—at least not yet.
Sometimes just knowing you have what it takes starts the process of turning dreams into reality.
Take a few minutes right now to take the free Entrepreneur-In-The-Making Assessment to confirm whether or not you possess the characteristics of an entrepreneur.